Energy Smart
Energy Smart is a comprehensive energy efficiency program developed by the New Orleans City Council and administered by Entergy New Orleans. The program incentivizes Entergy New Orleans customers to perform energy saving upgrades in their homes and businesses.
Residential Rooftop Solar Program
The Residential Rooftop Solar Program is a simple and straightforward way for Entergy New Orleans customers to participate in the benefits of distributed renewable energy. All you do is allow Entergy access to install a utility owned and operated system. In exchange for renting your roof, starting on your next bill, you will see a $30 credit every month; rain or shine.
The New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition
The New Orleans Complete Streets Coalition is a group of organizations, businesses, civic leaders, and community members who support improving our roadways and safe transportation options in order to enhance health, equity, sustainability, prosperity, and quality-of-life for the people of New Orleans.
Complete Streets - Public Works, City of New Orleans
In 2011, the New Orleans City Council passed the New Orleans Complete Streets Ordinance, which calls for establishing an advisory committee to oversee implementation and progress of the Complete Streets Program. The goal of the ordinance is “to accommodate and encourage travel for all users in a balanced, responsible and equitable manner consistent with, and supportive of, the surrounding community.”
Complete Streets Policy Manual
The manual is Co-produkced by: Center for Planning Excellence’s CONNECT Coalition and the Merritt C. Becker, Jr. University of New Orleans Transportation Institute.
The mission of Walkable Carrollton is to lobby for and improve pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure in the Carrollton neighborhood that links destinations, public spaces, and focal points of our community. Walkable neighborhoods serve people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities, have effective lighting, offer plenty of space for people to walk or ride their bikes , are aesthetically pleasing, employ smart designs, and have safe access to public transportation. To that end, our initial focus will be on promoting walking and biking along S. Carrollton Ave. as follows:
From Walkable Communities Inc.:
Walkability is the cornerstone and key to an urban area's efficient ground transportation. Every trip begins and ends with walking. Walking remains the cheapest form of transport for all people, and the construction of a walkable community provides the most affordable transportation system any community can plan, design, construct and maintain. Walkable communities put urban environments back on a scale for sustainability of resources (both natural and economic) and lead to more social interaction, physical fitness and diminished crime and other social problems. Walkable communities are more livable communities and lead to whole, happy, healthy lives for the people who live in them.